
Menampilkan postingan dari Agustus 31, 2021

Periksa dan hitung jumlah DOF pergelangan tangan Anda.

Examine and count the number of DOF of your wrist. Answer: In human wrist has one joint,it’s a type universal joint and it can revolute in both x and y axis,therefore the degree of freedome is 2. The healthy human wrist is capable of three degrees of freedom (DOF). These DOFs are pronation/supination, flexion/extension, and radial/ulnar deviation (Figure 1). Radial/ulnar deviation is sometimes called abduction/adduction (respectively), and pronation/supination may be called wrist rotation. Note that each DOF is a paired set of motions (e.g. flexion/extension), involving positive and negative rotations from the neutral pose about the same axis. Here after, when only one of the motions per axes is named, we refer to both motions (e.g. pronation implies both pronation and supination). It should be noted that pronation/supination does not occur at the carpal bones of the wrist, but actually occurs within the forearm, as the radius crosses over the ulna in a twisting motion when moving from...

Sendi dapat diklasifikasikan sebagai pasangan yang lebih rendah dan pasangan yang lebih tinggi. Temukan arti "pasangan yang lebih rendah" dan "pasangan yang lebih tinggi" dalam mekanika mesin.

Joints can be classified as lower pairs and higher pairs. Find the meaning of "lower pairs" and "higher pairs" in mechanics of machinery. Answer: A lower pair is an ideal joint that constrains contact between a surface in the moving body to a corresponding in the fixed body. A lower pair is one in which there occurs a surface or area contact between two members, e.g. nut and screw, universal joint used to connect two propeller shafts. Generally, a higher pair is a constraint that requires a curve or surface in the moving body to maintain contact with a curve or surface in the fixed body. For example, the contact between a cam and its follower is a higher pair called a cam joint. Similarly, the contact between the involute curves that form the meshing teeth of two gears are cam joints, as is a wheel rolling on a surface. It has a point or line contact. Lower and higher pair is a type of contacts in kinematics pairs or joint, these type of  contacts are lower pair whi...

Cari literatur robot dan cari tahu, kira-kira, berapa banyak robot industri yang saat ini beroperasi di Amerika Serikat, Eropa, Jepang, dan Indonesia.

Search the robotic literatures and find out, approximately, how many industrial robots are currently in operation in the United States, Europe, Japan, and Indonesia. Answer: United State : 3600 Company in both reaserch and manufacture robot technology Europe : 2500 companies and organization in both reaserch and manufacture robot technology Japan : 460 companies and organization in both reaserch and manufacture robot technology Indonesia : 30 companies and organization in both reaserch and manufacture robot technology Cari literatur robot dan cari tahu, kira-kira, berapa banyak robot industri yang saat ini beroperasi di Amerika Serikat, Eropa, Jepang, dan Indonesia.  Menjawab:  Amerika Serikat : 3600 Perusahaan di bidang penelitian dan pembuatan teknologi robot  Eropa: 2500 perusahaan dan organisasi baik dalam penelitian dan pembuatan teknologi robot  Jepang : 460 perusahaan dan organisasi baik dalam penelitian dan pembuatan teknol...

Industri robot bergerak berusaha membuat robot semirip mungkin dengan manusia. Menurut Anda apa alasannya: manusia memiliki desain struktural terbaik, manusia memiliki desain paling sederhana, atau robot semacam ini dapat dijual di pasar dengan lebih baik?

The mobile robot industry is trying to make robots as similar to humans as possible. What do you think is the reason for this: humans have the best structural design, humans have the simplest design, or these kinds of robots can be sold in the market better? Answer: The reason why robot creation made as human look a like,is because human have the best structural design, and yet the best structural design known by humankind.  Industri robot bergerak berusaha membuat robot semirip mungkin dengan manusia.  Menurut Anda apa alasannya: manusia memiliki desain struktural terbaik, manusia memiliki desain paling sederhana, atau robot semacam ini dapat dijual di pasar dengan lebih baik? Menjawab: Alasan penciptaan robot dibuat menyerupai manusia, adalah karena manusia memiliki desain struktur terbaik, namun desain struktur terbaik yang dikenal manusia.